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How To Create Online Courses

There is an old saying: “ If you know something, never do it for free”.

Meaning if you have acquired a certain set of skills over the years, and have certain expertise in several different fields, chances are you are more than capable of teaching others the same skills or sharing some of your knowledge with other people.

Fortunately, the digital era allows for the distribution of such educational material, where you are the one providing the material, without the need for an institution or centralized system.

The rise of online courses has been exponential over the last decade as more and more competent people are offering and sharing their experiences for a small fee and profit.

The possibilities are many, and there isn’t almost one subject out there not talked about or discussed in an online video course or similar alike.

If you are looking to start your online course, share your knowledge and expertise on a certain subject, and also are looking to make some revenue and profit, read the text below on how to learn everything there is about how to create online courses.

Specify the subject of your online course

One thing of the utmost importance when it comes to online courses is specifying the subject matter of the course and making sure you know exactly what you are sharing with the world.

Though you might be skilled in different fields, choosing specifically one field of expertise can enhance your ability to be more direct, know the subject better, focus on it with more intensity, and prepare better.

The key component of success is proper preparation meaning, to research everything there is and you can find out on the subject matter.

This is the next step, as once you have finally chosen your subject, you can make sure to research and find out whatever there is to know. Have in mind how every course’s success highly depends on the material or the knowledge. The more professional you sound and seem, the higher the chances of you string a success and making greater revenue. Therefore, have these two things in mind:

  1. Define and choose the subject of your online course
  2. Research and become even more knowledgeable
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One last piece of advice is making sure your idea has potential and your knowledge is desirable and sought after.

You can always launch a little online survey to make sure whether people are interested in your material and what you are planning to share or whether other topics are far more desirable and popular. By doing so, you’ll know how to act and to proceed with the course and you’ll know if it is better to shift your attention to another field.

Choosing the right platform

Now, after you have made your decision on the type of course and course subject you’ll be teaching others, the next step is to choose the right and proper course platform to meet your needs and make sure the platform has everything you are looking for.

The type of platforms should strongly be following the kind of course material you are teaching and what you are sharing.

Firstly, there are platforms just perfect for solo hosting, for entrepreneurs, for those sharing their motivational experience and material and are rather self-centered.

These course platforms are great for small businesses and can cover important topics, or provide other educational material. In the words of the tech experts at Learning Revolution (you can find them under learningrevolution.net), some online course platforms are just perfect when you are trying to run the online course and your website at the same time, others for multiplex purposes and needs.

Whatever you want, there are several platforms to pick from and numerous possibilities to consider; the only thing left is to choose precisely what you want to achieve with the online course you are offering. Make sure you select the greatest platform from which to operate, assuring the highest quality and fulfilling your objectives while also generating significant income and profit.

Make a blueprint

Laying out the plan of your online course, sort of a curriculum, is essential in making a proper online course.

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Take notes, make a plan, and create a blueprint before the final version.

Do this and you’ll have a better overview of all the ideas and all the material. You can further adjust and make changes down the way as you are thinking of new ways to present your knowledge. Having something in front of you acts as a motivation to make it even better and be aware of the potential mistakes and the things in need of correcting.

For example, you’ll need objectives, goals, and ways to effectively transmit the knowledge and make sure you are achieving the desired aims.

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The final touches

Before launching any online course, there is a tone of editing, filming, and creating involved to make sure the whole online course has all the material needed. Once you have established the topic, chosen the platform, and planned out how to present all the material, what is left is preparing the content itself.

The filming and editing of video material are known to take up most of the time as it requires an eye for details, thus you have to make sure the audio quality is desirable, and the content you present is of high quality.

Once you bought your online course online, what is left is selling it, individually, or you can distribute free samples of the course, or part of the course as a marketing strategy and attract individuals eager to pay.

A popular method is giving the option of subscribing to your content making it available for individuals to approach your material at the price of a monthly subscription fee. Whatever method you have chosen, the important part is providing educational, professional content people can use and teach themselves the skill set you offer.

Online courses are a great way for people to make money and extra profit by proving their knowledge to the ones eager to learn and be taught. Therefore, if you have the expertise, do not hesitate to share it with the world.


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