Wi-Fi Hotspot Finder

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Directory / Manhattan /

Is There Free Wi-Fi in , New York?

Yes according to our database, there are 0 free wi-fi hotspots in .

In these are the exact addresses of the free hotspots: .

How Far is From Important Locations?

LocationDistance (km)Distance (miles)Walking Time (hours)
New York City Center8667.1 km5385.5 miles104235 minutes
Central Park8665.2 km5384.3 miles104212 minutes
9/11 Memorial & Museum8667.6 km5385.8 miles104242 minutes
The Metropolitan Museum of Art8664.9 km5384.1 miles104209 minutes
Empire State Building8666.1 km5384.9 miles104223 minutes
Broadway8666.1 km5384.8 miles104223 minutes
Brooklyn Bridge8666.2 km5384.9 miles104224 minutes
Statue of Liberty8669.8 km5387.1 miles104267 minutes
Times Square8666.3 km5385.0 miles104225 minutes

2000+ Spots

We have a database of more than 2000 wi-fi spots in New York.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Total number of hotspots in , Manhattan is 0.

"I found some wi-fi hotspots I didn't know existed. Thank you"

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Sam P.
New Yorker
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