Yes according to our database, there are 0 free wi-fi hotspots in .
In these are the exact addresses of the free hotspots: .
Location | Distance (km) | Distance (miles) | Walking Time (hours) |
New York City Center | 8667.1 km | 5385.5 miles | 104235 minutes |
Central Park | 8665.2 km | 5384.3 miles | 104212 minutes |
9/11 Memorial & Museum | 8667.6 km | 5385.8 miles | 104242 minutes |
The Metropolitan Museum of Art | 8664.9 km | 5384.1 miles | 104209 minutes |
Empire State Building | 8666.1 km | 5384.9 miles | 104223 minutes |
Broadway | 8666.1 km | 5384.8 miles | 104223 minutes |
Brooklyn Bridge | 8666.2 km | 5384.9 miles | 104224 minutes |
Statue of Liberty | 8669.8 km | 5387.1 miles | 104267 minutes |
Times Square | 8666.3 km | 5385.0 miles | 104225 minutes |
2000+ Spots
We have a database of more than 2000 wi-fi spots in New York.
See the exact location of each hotspot (including a map).
Total number of hotspots in , Manhattan is 0.
Yes, all the connections listed above are free or limited free.
The SSID of these connection is .
"I found some wi-fi hotspots I didn't know existed. Thank you"